Our Data Protection Notice


This data protection notice is for employees, independent contractors, partners and owners of RestorFX (You, Your), and lets you, an internal part of RestorFX International, Inc. (RestorFX), know about how we altogether deal with data and information within the company (We, Us, Our).

Our Privacy Notice is an integral part of the way we as a company deal with the information of everyone we interact with. If you haven’t done so yet, please take the time to review it and altogether further equip ourselves to serve our partners, clients, each other and everyone else even better.

Our Role

We at RestorFX are a controller of people’s data. This kind of responsibility calls for the highest standard of stewardship when it comes to dealing with such kind of information. Thankfully, this level of integrity is something that we are all passionate about as a company, and because of this quality we are able to continually put our best foot forward when it comes to handling personal information.

Our privacy notice details what we do with information that we collect, process and/or store as we go about our service, explains how our information subjects are in control of their data, and further lines us up with information regulations across the globe. We at RestorFX care about these things, and you are every bit an important part of this collective endeavor as we all continually move along the direction of best practice in everything that we do – especially in dealing with valuable data and information.

For more information about what a data controller is, please visit this reference.

Best Practice

As we continue to collect, process and store data and information for us to continually provide, maintain and develop our products and services, let us keep the following important principles and reminders in mind:

  1. Necessity. Let us work with only as much information as we absolutely need for us to be productive and excellent. This means whoever or whatever we deal with, however we deal with them, let us only collect, process and store data that is absolutely necessary to serve them well. When in doubt, let’s always ask ourselves if we can already serve our purpose well with what we already have for the task at hand.

    Let us also continually be sensitive to the data and information we work with, paying particular attention to whether we still need them with us, or we can safely and lawfully purge it from our organization, with appropriate measures and accountability in place.

  2. Security. However we collect, process and store data, whether manually or electronically, whether directly or on behalf of us, let us make sure we do it with data security as top priority. Information and data are valuable and let us keep treating it this way.

  3. Accountability. Let us make sure that we keep both our online and offline interactions (such as messages, phone calls, conversations and activities) documented well and properly, and let us stay accountable as much as we are productive. Let us practice safe and responsible online activity, and continue to conduct ourselves online and offline with wisdom.

  4. Partnership. We are part of each other’s ship. This means we all work together as RestorFX, with each and every department just as crucial as the Information Department (Info. Dept.) in managing data and information. Let us continue to keep our Info. Dept. abreast with data- and information-related processes and activities, just as the Info. Dept. continually serves you to help you with what is important to you. For example, whenever data and information accounts or services are signed up for, maintained or closed; or wherever data and information are collected, processed and stored online or offline, please share it with the Info. Dept. and be one step ahead so we can altogether stay protected and cover each other as we stay excellent in each of our lanes.

    For any data- or information-related inquiry or concern, please do not hesitate to work with the Info. Dept. and get in touch through the details below. The Info. Dept. will also cooperate with you as necessary in addressing inquiries, issues or concerns, especially if the data or information involved is part of your workflow.

  5. Vigilance. Let us stay on guard for the data and information of everyone we serve. At the slightest hint of any kind of possible breach or data insecurity (for example, a computer or device you use gets lost, an account you work with gets compromised, a folder of hardcopy documents get misplaced, or you suspect that a restricted interaction or any other data- and information-related entity has suffered a breach), please get in touch immediately with the Info. Dept. (aside from your accountability officer) using the details below, and the Info. Dept. will work with you to further investigate and address the issue as necessary.

    We owe each other and our data subjects immediate action in these kinds of situations (and in some cases required to report a confirmed breach in as short as 72 hours), informing data subjects as necessary at the earliest possible time at the very least.

By being transparent, careful and accountable, and by always keeping the value of data and information in mind, we can very well stay on top of data security, keep data compromises at bay, and deliver the best kind of service that our partners and data subjects deserve.

Information Requests

We do NOT readily give out information of any kind to anyone. Requests for information (especially answers to inquiries) need to be funnelled through the right people and departments. Any kind of request needs to be:

  1. verified that such information is indeed being given out; and if so,
  2. checked that the information is being given out by the right people to the right people.

As such, please route all inquiries to info@restorfx.com and they will be handled appropriately.


The Info. Dept. is our dedicated Data Protection Office (DPO). For any inquiry or concern marked for the DPO, please forward it to the Info. Dept. at the details below.

Contact the Information Department

Your Info. Dept. can be reached anytime at it@restorfx.com, or at 800 404 4107 x110.

DOC 308
May 25, 2018